Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What can we do

Hi, I'm Kelli!! I'm your average 37 year old, stay at home Mom. I have a great husband who loves and respects me and 5 wonderful kids. Yep, FIVE! Needless to say, I have to use my time sparingly. So, I've been doing a lot of thinking, and decided to create a blog, just to see if anyone is interested in what I'm thinking, or what I have to say! LOL

So, here's a little insight into what I've been devoting my brainpower toward: ECOSYSTEM, ENVIRONMENT, MOTHER EARTH, MOTHER NATURE...and what I can do.

What a question, huh? This is the same question I've been asking myself for a long time now...What can I do? What small contribution can I make toward helping our environment? Like alot of people, when gas prices were so high I drove less (thinking I was helping). I walked, biked or used public transportation. Every day when I thought "what a hassle", I made myself go through the inconveniences because it made ME feel better. But I noticed there were very few people walking, biking or using public transportation. I think it's just because it's so easy to jump in there SUV's and go. I also think it's because very few people are concerned or are misinformed. Imagine what would happen if one day a week we all decided to use public transportation, or bike or walk to are various jobs, or any tasks we had?? Just think about that and I'll have a little more random thoughts in the future. RESPOND BACK IF YOU'D LIKE. Or you can email or whatever floats your boat! Ciao for now!

1 comment:

  1. Hiya.

    Nice little blog you have here. Found yours via a link you left on Topix.

    Environment seems like a good topic to pursue. Hope that it works out for you.

    I'll keep checking in from time to time, as I'm always on the lookout for new blogs to bookmark and explore.
